New Numerical and Analytical Tools for Aerodynamic flow Control
Participant: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, EADS-IW-UK.
Budget: ~750kE
Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
NNATAC (New Numerical and Analytical Tools for Aerodynamic flow Control) is a network composed by a University (UPM) and a large industry (EADS-IW) of the aeronautical sector. The project aims to make stronger existing links between both sectors by proposing a common program of training and research to develop new tools for aerodynamic flow control. Flow control is an emerging technology which aims to produce breakthrough improvements of the aircraft performance with applications to separated flows around airfoils at high incidence and reduction of friction drag.

The particular objectives of NNATAC combine the predominantly theoretical/numerical capabilities available to the academia side with state-of-the-art computational and experimental capabilities available to the industrial partner in furthering understanding of separated flow, flow control devices or friction drag, its instability and control, especially in the areas of environmental fluid mechanics. Additionally, the research program will include detailed training course, individual tutoring, and dissemination activities and specific and measurement advances in fluid mechanics problems of common interest.