AIRBUS-UPM European Industrial Doctorate in mathematical methods applied to aircraft design
Participant: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Airbus-SP, Airbus-GE, Altran.
Budget: ~1M€
Networks for Initial Training (ITN)
A common Ph.D. programme between the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Airbus industry has been set-up to foster aeronautics RTD work in Europe, building on merits and achievements of previous and existing initiatives in the field. The proposal follows the ACARE Vision-2020 and Flightpath-2050 future strategies, by contributing to “more affordable, safer, cleaner, quieter”, hence greener aircraft. In particular in the development of mathematical methods for aircraft design, and in particular in progressing in the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), nowadays applied extensively in all aerodynamic-based topics of aircraft design.

The proposal supports the European research policy and contributes to improving the competitiveness of the European aeronautics industry. This will be achieved by a close collaboration between the industry and academia directing the proposed work to ensure a focus on European industrial doctorate development. By means of improved scientific capabilities and prediction tools with a high Technology Readiness Level, AIRUP will foster cooperation industry-academia and strengthen the human potential in research in Europe allowing for enhanced design processes by mitigating existing efficiency, reliability and accuracy problems in the field of numerical simulation and aerodynamic. Consequently, this will result in fewer design cycles, lower costs and reduced time-to market of challenging future aircraft designs.