Numath Projects Tecnologías inteligentes para la fabricación, el diseño y las operaciones en entornos industriales Proyectos de i+d en líneas estratégicas en colaboración entre organismos
Numath Projects Tecnologías inteligentes para la fabricación, el diseño y las operaciones en entornos industriales Proyectos de i+d en líneas estratégicas en colaboración entre organismos
Numath Projects FLOWCID (Flow Control for Industrial Design) is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Individual Fellowships funded by the Research Executive Agency (REA) under MSCA-IF-GF This
Jet noise is the primary noise source of aircraft during take-off and landing, and was a key factor in the failure of supersonic transport. Noise-induced
SIMOPAIR focuses on innovative aerodynamic design capabilities for new aerodynamic shapes and flight physics, the upstream research activities of SIMOPAIR address also the following key
A multi-physics methodology is proposed to couple CFD calculations with models for phase change of rapidly depressurised mist of a fire suppression system. The methodology
ASIMIA, Advanced High-Order Simulation Methods for Industrial Aplications ASIMIA responds to the industrial requirements based on Virtual prototyping (VP) and “more simulation, less testing”, it
Aerodynamic upgrade of Surface Air Cooled Oil Cooler Horizon 2020 / Clean Sky JU Call: H2020-CS2-CFP08-2018-01 The absolute necessity to reduce pollutant emissions as well
PET2008_0142 Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación This project will study the aerodynamic properties of a profile a high angles of attack, which in aeronautical environments
New Numerical and Analytical Tools for Aerodynamic flow Control Participant: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, EADS-IW-UK. Budget: ~750kE FP7-PEOPLE Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) NNATAC (New
AIRBUS-UPM European Industrial Doctorate in mathematical methods applied to aircraft design Participant: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Airbus-SP, Airbus-GE, Altran. Budget: ~1M€ Networks for Initial Training
Advances in Numerical and Analytical tools for DEtached flow prediction Participant: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Airbus-SP, Airbus-UK, NUMECA, Von Karman Institute, Leuven University, Imperial College
Rear Fuselage and Empennage Flow Investigation FP6-AAT It is known that business needs are placing an ever-increasing demand on the aeronautics industry to develop and
GReener Aeronautics International Networking-2 Support actions As mentioned in the Executive Summary of the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda, Aviation has an important role to
Substantial resources have been invested over the years into Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) particularly in the development of efficient and robust numerical algorithms for solution of
Ricardo Carabaña Ruiz del Árbol is the Software Engineer in charge of the development and testing of Airbus internal software Debris. Debris computes the integration
This project consists in a external validation for Airbus of XFlow Technologies software, which belongs to NextLimit. The validation focus in aerodinamic problems with complex
Aeroacústica Computacional y Experimental para predicción y control de ruido (ACEPCOR). Referencia; CIT-470000-2009-10Financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion y cofinanciado por fondos Europeos
Project is funded by European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020” under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Programme. Call : H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 SSeMID
The DRAGY project is aimed to the drag reduction of future aircrafts. This objective has to be achieved through the flow control of the turbulent
Diseño avanzado dE PuertAs de treN de aterrizaje afectadas por excitaciOnes aerodinámicas. Proyecto financiado por MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y competitividad). En colaboración con Airbus
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