
CFD Industrial Applications

In addition to develop our own codes also use commercial software to solve problems both academic and industrial (aeronautical, aero-acoustic…) applying our knowledge in aerodynamic, fluid dynamic and numerical calculation.

In our 2D and 3D studies we take care of the whole process of CFD: cleaning the CAD geometry, mesh generation, resolution of the equations and postprocessing of results. Mainly we use DLR TAU Code (N-S Compressible) and XFlow (Lattice Boltzmann).

DLR TAU Code which is a standard code within the European aeronautical industry which solves the Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) compressible equations on unstructured hybrid grids employing a second order finite volume discretization used by Airbus.

XFlow is fully Lagrangian, particle-based, approach solver that avoid the traditional meshing process which solves Lattice-Boltzmann equations. We were responsible for the XFlow validation of aerodynamic problems to Airbus.