Substantial resources have been invested over the years into Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) particularly in the development of efficient and robust numerical algorithms for solution of the governing equations, grid generation and adaptation, powerful post-processing tools, etc.

Not surprisingly, these investments (many of them made in the framework of European programmes) have resulted in a remarkable progress in CFD capabilities. This should significantly reduces aircraft development time and cost minimizing the reliance on wind-tunnel and flight tests. However, experience shows that industrial numerical simulation tools are presently suffering two main drawbacks that prevent their full industrial deployment for massive applications in design process; excessive long computational times for problems of industrial relevance, and reduced reliability and accuracy of the solutions at flight extremes.

At the same time, the capabilities of leading-edge emerging HPC architectures are still not fully exploited by industrial simulation tools for large aeronautical problems. State of the art industrial solvers use algorithms and “ways of thinking” from 20 years ago. They do not take advantage of the immense new capabilities of new hardware architectures, such as streaming processors or many-core platforms CORASIMULAERO will research, evaluate and develop new simulation technologies, which ultimately will provide tools and techniques that will underpin future aircraft design process. In order to tackle these problems.

CORASIMULAERO goes beyond the state of the art in the following main research lines:

  • Advanced techniques for efficient implementation of industrial solvers on heterogeneous and highly parallel High-Performance Computing (HPC) architectures.
  • Innovative and efficient numerical algorithms for large scale computing in aeronautics, based on advanced parallel architectures